25th Business of Retina: Course Materials
Program Content and Financial Disclosures
Analysis by 3 PL - Kurt Defenbaugh, MBA
Challenges in Patient Billing - Claire Murphy, OSC, OCS, OCRS
Considerations for Onboarding New Retina Drugs - Heather Thomas, OCSR
Cybersecurity: Recovery After a Ransomware Attack - Bill James, MHA, COE
Disaster Planning - J. Michael Jumper, MD, FASRS, and Kristin Yockus, MPH
Documentation Compliance: Training Scribes and Staff - Niki Kothari, MD
Evaluation of Injectables - Henry M. Kwong, Jr., MD
Financial Planning Strategies for the Small Retina Practice - Nadeem Vaidya, MD
Fundamentals of the Drug Approval Process - Ashley Nahrwold, COA
HHS OIG Update - Agent Christian Jurs and Thomas Stone, MD, FASRS
Implementing DISC to Drive Organizational Culture - Scott Westhouse, DO
Internal v. Outsourcing Billing - Nadeem Vaidya, MD, Robert C. Wang, MD, FASRS
Lean Techniques for Revenue Cycle Management - Alan Kimura, MD, MPH, Daniel Maher, CPC, Nicole Smith
Onboarding A New Physician - Aamer Hayat, JD, CAO
Practice Operational Efficiency - Keith Warren, MD
Retina Coding for Beginners - Joy Woodke, COE, OCS, OCSR
Retina Coding Update - Joy Woodke, COE, OCS, OCSR
Revenue Cycle Administrative Burdens - Leonard H. Ginsburg, MD, FASRS
So You Want to Build a Retina ASC - Joel Pearlman, MD, PhD, FASRS
DRAFT Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Scribes - Srinivas Kondapalli, MD
Washington Update - Michael M. Lai, MD, PhD, FASRS
Working Capital Management in a Retina Practice - Sharam Danesh, MD
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