What's New
- Register for the joint ECS/DEI/WinR webinar on Finding Your Niche in Retina: January 28, 2025
New Video: Cindy X. Cai, MD, MS talks about the Clinician Scientist Track
- Apply to the Early Career Section Mentoring Program (February 23 deadline)
Caroline Baumal, MD, FASRS discusses how an aspiring mentor develops this aspect of their career
- Understanding and Mitigating Physician Burnout
The Early Career Section (ECS), formerly known as the Young Physicians' Section, is composed of ASRS members who have been in practice for seven years or less. ECS members enjoy a vibrant network of peers, representation on the ASRS Board of Directors through the ECS Board Representative, and a symposium at the ASRS Annual Meeting. The ECS Co-Chairs welcome your questions or comments and invite you to join the ECS group on Facebook.