Society News — Member & Society News

ASRS to Launch New Weekly Advocacy and Practice Newsletter

As the voice of “all things retina,” ASRS has continued to expand its advocacy and practice management efforts to be responsive to member needs and provide resources that assist retina specialists in serving their patients. As an extension of these efforts, we’re pleased to announce a new, weekly e-newsletter, Retina Advocacy & Practice News, that will be delivered to ASRS physician and practice administrator members on Tuesday afternoons. 

This new resource will provide the latest legislative and regulatory policy news impacting retina specialists, provide updates on the Society’s advocacy efforts directed at policymakers and payers, and serve as a conduit of practice management resources. 

We also want to hear from you! We'll be taking the pulse of retina with a weekly poll question on hot topics with results published in the following week's issue. Chime in with your opinion—and even better, suggest a poll for us to feature. 

Look for the first edition of Retina Advocacy & Practice News on Tuesday, May 7. 

Published May 1, 2024